Diaz Malaver Family

Called by God to represent Jesus in Skateboarding and Youth Communities making disciples and serving them as Jesus did it.

Together for the same purpose

We are a small Colombian family of young people passionate about Jesus, his word, his church and his mission. In September 2020 God joined us in the precious bond of marriage, uniting two lives called to the service, to the people and his work, we believe that our purpose is:

¨To Glorify God and enjoy him eternally¨

Yanin Malaver

Throughout her childhood and adolescence she grew up in the church with a call to service and a heart for the youth, God allowed her the privilege to begin serving Him as a teenager in her local church Iglesia Cristiana El Olivar (under the leadership of our pastors Alberto Beltran and Olga Villalba) going through the Greeting, Worship, Children, Teenagers, and Youth ministries, Castillo del Rey, Children’s Cancer Hospital, Evangelism, Communications and of course with the Skateboarding ministry.

Yanin has volunteered with Pinwin Misiones, Simply Mobilizing, Movida Colombia, Jesus a las Calles, Calling All Skaters, and Ride Nature in different roles such as Graphic Designer (her profession), Part Time Missionary, Evangelism, Discipleship and volunteer in short mission trips. She attend classes for a season at the Theological Seminary of the Assemblies of God in Colombia, and also did her Discipleship Training School with YWAM Barcelona (Calling All Skaters BCN) each time preparing herself to serve better with her local church and other ministries.

Raul Diaz

Born in a Catholic family, the Lord saved him using a skateboard, through the years he went through different churches with different theologies such as the “Gospel of prosperity”, the “Word of Faith” and “Neo-Pentecostalism”, the Holy Spirit used his curiosity for the word of God showing him that the teaching of these churches was not Biblical, Finally he moved him to a Church of Jesus Christ where the Word, the Spirit, the Works and the Doctrine are coherent, where he has not stopped learning, El Olivar Christian Church, filled with love and doctrine, there he has had the opportunity to serve in the Youth, Evangelism and Communications ministries.

Raul and his friends have been leading a skate ministry for over 9 years that holds a Friday night bible study, skate competitions, national and international mission trips with the sole purpose of introducing Jesus to all skateboarders. Raul also attend Rhema Bible Trainning Center for 2 years, and did the YWAM Surf and Skate Discipleship Training School in Chilibre a Panama rural area, he has also volunteered with Calling All Skaters and Ride Nature, serving as a designer, host, leader, translator and travel guide on national and international mission trips (Colombia, Panama, Spain, Peru, and the United States).


Our faithful K9 friend who has been with us since the beginning of our marriage, whom we have trained to carry things, take care of childrens, alert us to possible dangers and take care of our house when we are out. He also give tones of love and fun to our family.

What are we doing today

We are currently Youth and Teen leaders at El Olivar Church, we also serve in the Communications ministry, we continue doing Skate ministry, and we volunteer with Ride Nature in different initiatives such as the Skate Church Movement (Translation and Design) and short term mission trips. In addition we both work full time remotely, Yanin as a Graphic Designer and Raul as User Interface & User Experience Designer.

The next step

God has oppened a door to be in Canada during 2 years starting December 30th of this year, Raul is going to study a Post Graduate Degree in Web Design and Development at Langara College, Vancouver, B.C. Our purpose while studying in Canada is to be useful for the Lord to share his gospel as much as possible and serve the Local Church and the Skate Ministry up there using our gifts and skills.

Prayer Request

1. Find a Church in Vancouver

Find a sound doctrine Christian Church in Vancouver to congregate and serve.

2. Key Friends & Relationships

Find good  and godly friends and marriages, also mentors with faith maturity in Vancouver.

3. Find a house

We need an apartment, guest house,  basement to rent (according to our budget $1200 – $2000 CAD) or a christian family house to stay temporary if possible close to the College or around this area where we can stay for a couple weeks while we got a good rental in person.

4. Language fluency and a job

We need God’s help to make Yanin’s english fluent and find a good job.

5. Holy Spirit guidance and vision

We want to get light about with whom, where and how we are going to serve after looking the different churches and ministries up there. May the holy Spirit guide us during our time in Vancouver and also show us what is the next step to take when we finish our study time in Canada.

Picture Gallery

This is a little photo gallery that shows some of the ministry we do, hover your mouse over the pictures or touch them in your smartphone and tablet to read the picture description.

Skaters evangelism

Bogota Downtown, Colombia

Skate ministry doing evangelism in the Bolivar’s Plaza with the Calling All Skaters team from Los Angeles

Mission Piapocos Tribe

Llanos Orientales, Colombia

Viaje misionero de la Iglesia El Olivar a la comunidad Piapocos, junto con Pinwin Misiones, voluntarios de CIMA y Movida


El Olivar Church mission trip to the Piapocos Tribe, this trip was in association with Pinwin Misiones, CIMA and Movida volunteers

Graffiti & Skate Evangelism

Panama City, Panama

Evangelism in Panama’s Cinta Costera, this is an Olivar Church mission trip in association with Christian Skaters Panama and Panama International Church

Teenagers Ministry

Bogota, Colombia

Local outreach with El Olivar church teenagers ministry

Vacational Skate Camp

La Gaitana, Bogota, Colombia

Vacational Skate Camp in association with Calling All Skaters and iOlivar in the Gaitana, Bogota neighborhood

Friday's Bible study

Ciudadela Colsubsidio, Bogotá D.C.

Outdoors Friday Bible Study in a local DIY skate spot known as Piso Blanco in Bogota, Colombia

Skate Bible Study

Cartagena, Colombia

Skaters Bible Study in Clavary Chapel Cartagena’s roof with Christian Skaters Cartagena

Skate Mission Trip

Huacho, Peru

Ride Nature’s Mission Trip to Huacho, Peru, making skate contest, evangelism and bible studies with the local skaters and Calvary Chapel Peru volunteers

Neiva Church Training

Neiva, Colombia

Evangelism training for the Neiva’s church leaded by Olivar Church and in association with Jesus a las Calles

GoSkate Day Mission Trip

Viga Skatepark, Envigado, Bogotá D.C.

Possibly the biggest skate event in the history of Medellin, made by Ride Nature’s in association with Bogota Skate ministry and Viga Skatepark during the Ride Nature’s 2019 mission trip to Colombia

Skatepark Evangelism

Skatepark Madre Laura, Medellinn, Colombia

Outdoor skateboarding bible study at a local Medellin skatepark 2 days after Raul tore his ACL, a meniscus and fractured his knee. (Keeping with the purpose of the mission trip)

Skatepark Evangelism

Villas de Granada, Bogota, Colombia

Mega skate contest in association with Calling All Skaters, Christian Skaters International, Jesus a las Calles, y the Olivar Church.

Raul’s Contact Info 👨‍💻

+57 3057296339